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Arbour Landscape Solutions Summer Social Was A Roaring Success

08/07/2024 - News

June’s Summer Social Event at the Arbour Landscape Solutions yard was a roaring success. 

We were fortunate to be joined by Manoj Malde who signed copies of his latest book for all of our guests. Gareth Wilson made time in his busy schedule to come along and of course Richard, Gaby, Anna and Lee-Ann were on hand to ensure our guests were very well looked after.

This was a purely social event. No selling allowed, just industry chat, networking and relaxing. We’d prepared for every kind of weather, but Lady Luck was on our side and blessed us with glorious sunshine for the duration.

On this occasion, pictures speak louder than words. So here is a selection of photographs taken on the day. Were you there? If not, keep an eye out for our next social event. We’d love it if you could join us.

barkeepers preparing for the summer social event at Arbour Landscape Solutions yard

Gareth Wilson and Lee Ann Maritz at the Arbour Landscape Solutions social event

guests enjoying the sunshine beneath the shade of a canopy in arbour landscape solutions yard

Lee Ann Maritz entertains guests at summer social event

landscapers enjoying a buffet meal at arbour landscape solutions event

Gareth Wilson with Richard Bickler

greenwood landscapes team examining Manoj Maldes new book

landscapers and garden designers networking over a meal

buffet supper at Arbour Landscape Solutions summer social

relaxed gathering with lively conversation at summer landscaping event

LeeAnn Maritz with Stuart Danzic from Caribbean Blinds

buffet selection at Arbour Landscape Solutions summer social

Gareth Wilson and Richard Bickler with guests at social event

richard bickler with greenwood landscapes

Manoj Malde with Lee Ann Maritz

gareth wilson greets manoj Malde with a hug

Manoj Malde book signing

Manoj Malde

Manoj Malde with Anna Roochove

Manoj Malde TikTok preparation

Manoj Malde garden designer at book signing

Manoj Malde with Gardens of Distinction

book signing at arbour landscape solutions

Manoj Malde garden designer at book signing

Lee Ann Maritz with Manoj Malde

Richard Bickler

Gaby Bickler with guests

great memory shot of Manoj Malde book signing at Arbour Landscape Solutions
